Sunday, June 20, 2010

I'm getting my haircut and i need a picture to show my hairstylist, but I cant find one like I

I want my hair a little bit longer than my shoulders and I want bangs a little longer than my eyes. Can anybody please help me find a picture?

I'm getting my haircut and i need a picture to show my hairstylist, but I cant find one like I want my hair.

bangs like this but a diff. length.

I'm getting my haircut and i need a picture to show my hairstylist, but I cant find one like I want my hair.

you upload a picture and it lets you choose different styles,and colors.its awesome.

if you dont like that site,look up virtual hairstyles,and you will find something cool!

i know there are alot of different websites that let you pick styles and try them on,some even let you makeover your face with makeup,plus find a hair cut!

hope i helped!!!!!!!!!

good luck!

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I have a list of good and fresh hairstyle websites.

Just mail me at with subjet Hairstyle . I will send a link of best website where you can find best Hairstyles .

Best wishes

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