Friday, June 18, 2010

How do you straighten hair?

Can you give me step by step on how to straighten hair properly?

Is it nessicary to use a heat protecter?

Please include products i should use and the name of the brand.

Also what is a good straightener that will not tug my hair and rip it out? Please show me one that is expensive and one that is affordable.


How do you straighten hair?

Expensive one (but worth the money, works very well):

Not so expensive one:

It's not nessecary to use a heat protecter, but it helps to keep your hair healthy.

I suggest that you use Dove Advanced Care Therapy shampoo and conditioner every night (or every other night), Neutrogena Triple Moisture Smoothing Shine Anti Frizz Cream when you get out of the shower, and Neutrogena Triple Moisture Healing Shine Serum when you are done straightening.

After you take your shower and use the Anti Frizz Cream, let you hair air dry to abou 75% and then blow dry it. When it's about 90% dry, use a lower heat setting. Then straighten your hair in the morning.

First divide your hair into two sections, half up and half down.

Clip the "up" part out of the way. Use small pieces at a time from the "down" part and brush each piece before starting. Take the straightener as close to your head as you can without burning yourself. Gently pull down making sure not to hold down for uneven amounts of time, that will create a crease. If the piece is still curly, quickly go over it again or go onto the next piece and do the same thing. When you are done with the bottom half, use the shine serum and comb your hair. Then gently take out small pieces from the "up" part one at a time. If you takke all of it down, it will be harder to straighten because the pieces will be thicker and half of it will already have been straightened. Do the same thing with those pieces and then use the serum.

Never straighten your hair when it's wet, it will get frizzy and burn out the plates of the straightener. Also, avoid brushing and combing your hair when it's wet, it will get very frizzy.

Good luck! 閳?br>How do you straighten hair?

Most straighteners are pretty good as long as they aren't too cheap. I'd suggest getting one between $15 and $30. And what kind of hair style do you have? Is your hair really curly? Do you have layers in your hair? I might be able to tell you how to do it right if I know details about your hair.

How do you straighten hair?

Hm, with a good straightener, you can get one at fred meyers that is almost exactly like ones in the salon, but a lot cheeper. if you set the heat anymore than 25, you should use heat protecter.

I only use mousse called Sammy. it's cheep and works wonders.

okay... steps.

1) Grab a peice of hair, not too big.

2) Start at the root, and clamp the straightener onto your hair.

3) Pull down the strand of your hair, but make sure you don't go too slow 'cause then you'll burn your hair.

You might have to do one clump for than once if your hair is anything BUT slightly straight, but it doesn't take long once you get the hang of it.

Hope this helps. Message with questions.

How do you straighten hair?

try a iso straightener. they are expensive but soooo worth it. but u can find them on ebay my friend got her for 20 dollars! and it works just fine.

How do you straighten hair?

ok well if you want to protect your hair from split ends I would definitly use a heat protector but it's not a nessecity! I like herbal essences, they have the straighten out line, it is in a purple bottle, every thing from that line is pretty much trustworthy!! Once you put in the heat protecter you put your hair into a half pony tail and straighten small 2-3 inch peices at a time, then once you are done you do the next layer. and then do the same thing and then you do the final layer, once you are done you put in a shine mist, and if you choose to you can put in hairspray! A good straightener would have to be a chi straightener it is more expensive but works really good! A cheaper one that works good also it any conair straightener you can get them for under 50 bucks! Good Luck!

How do you straighten hair?

first put some serum in your hait. then Pin up the top section of your hair and use the round brush to blowdry your hair. Hold the hair sections out taut and point the hairdryer down to dry it. Do this section by section, so that your hair is completely dry. You may want to then dry up the hair, from the neck to the end of the strands. This makes it easier to get the hair on the back of the head.

but if you decide to use a hair straightener, put your hair into sections again, and run over your hair with the straightener. Grip one section of hair. Clamp the flat iron onto the top portion of the section. Slowly, move the iron down your hair. Repeat up to three times. Brush hair, and finish off with a small amount of serum.

as straightener i recommend is: Remington Wet 2 straight.

because this straighter is about $25. i have it and it has ajustable settings to be able to use with dry, damp, or wet hair. it leaves hair smooth and NEVER frizzy. its great and affordable too.


How do you straighten hair?

Alright my mother has been straightening her hair for years and she uses a conair hair straightener a little bit like this

I think it works better if the straightener has teeth...

i bet garnier fructics has a straightening shampoo

you must brush your hair very well for this to work especially if you straightener has teeth because that will hurt like you don't know!

You basically just clamp the straightener down on a section of your hair and run it slowly down away from your head but i would still hold on to the part of you hair you have already done because pulling it straight from your scalp hurts for me...maybe its my straightener...

it may not work the first time...

you may have to go over a section more than once

i would also use hair spray if u want it to last for a long time

and the shampoo will probably help...

How do you straighten hair?

ehhh..i got mine at like..CVS or somthing. They have some and i think they're by revelon. its red and all you do is plug it in and wait to heat up. Then put a little bit of hair in it but not too much. Then close it and pull down. its really easy.

hope i helpeddd


How do you straighten hair?

It is definitely important to use a heat activaded shampoo conditioner and spray to protect your hair from the heat to avoid damage and dry hair.

Also don't bother straightening your hair while wet, it will kill your hair.

How do you straighten hair?


First, you blow dry wet hair with a round brush. then you use a straightener and you straighten it.

no, it is not neccesery to use heat protector.

expensive: sedu

affordable: infiniti

sorry i couldnt asnwer fully becuase i am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tired. it is 2 in the morning, and ive been staying up because i was so mad. hehe. but yea i will answer your questions fully tomorrow, if i can.

oh ya...are you still redoing your room? well im almost finished with mine, just need to buy new furniture. i bought the curtains, bedding, and some decor today. ill take a pic of it and show it to you.

How do you straighten hair?

hee. dont get confused. i deleted it again because i ddint liek then name. but im gonna keep this account.

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