Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hair weave question?

I have blonde (almost white it's so blonde) Caucasian hair that is medium-thick but not coarse. I recently cut my hair short (sort of of like my avatar. it's above my shoulders). I had my hair long all my life (past my knees) so this is a change. I don't want to show my dad I cut my hair off so I was wondering if I could get a weave to make my hair long for a few weeks while I see my dad. I'd like to get a weave to my waist (so I don't have to shock him completely) so that way it won't look like I just cut over four feet of hair that I've had my whole life. My hair is also extremely curly (part of the reason I cut it) like Julia Roberts so can I get a weave in my color that's curly? Can I get a weave at all or is my hair too short? How does a weave work and how long does it last? What's the costs? What hairstyles can I do with it? Please post any useful info. Thanks.

Hair weave question?

I don't know the area that you live in, but you need to go to a hair store. A hair store sells everything like hair weave, dye, shampoo/conditioner, curling irons, etc. Ask the cashier to help you find weave that mathes your hair color and style. You will be buying a track, have the cashier show you what a track looks like. There are different types of weave. You can glue it in or get it sown in and theres even weave with little combs attached to it so that you can snap it into your own hair (you can do this yourself or have a friend help you). Directions should be provided. If you decide to glue it in or sow it in you will need to go to a hair salon and have them put it in. If you glue it in you will need to buy glue at the hairstore. If you sow it in you will need to buy thread and a needle (it's not a sharp needle). Think of a straight pin needle with a curve to it, that what it looks like. It can be pretty expensive, anywhere from $100 to $500 or more. I would talk to the hairdresser about how much experience she has putting in weave. You can buy curly weave, straight, whatever you want. There are so many diffrent types. ANYONE can get a weave, the KEY is finding someone who knows what they are doing. They should be able to blend your hair color so that people don't even notice that you have in weave. You may not be able to find the lenght that you are looking for, but you can talk to the hair store about that. One extra note, most salons can order weave for you too, but they probably charge more. I hope this helps.

Hair weave question?

A pro can do it, but it will be very pricy.If you want it that long your looking at big bucks and a lot of time!

Hair weave question?

if you want the weave to look good your probably going to have to pay alot for a good weave. I would get human hair weave. weave can last for months but i'm not sure how long it lasts on causcasian hair.

i think that if you love your hair then your dad should support your decision and you dont have to hide it from him

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